Family Health Clinic Austin, TX Shows You How To Optimize Your Health

Family Health Clinic Austin, TX Shows You How To Optimize Your Health

optimize your health

The number #1 Family Health Clinic in Austin, TX want to share some ways to optimize your health while you are on your unique weight loss journey. Weight loss maybe the reason you became health conscious, but overall health is the reason you set your weight loss goal. Here are some simple tips to improve your overall health:


  • Sprouting Season: no need to blush, sprouting actually optimize health in a very unique way. It allows you to intake more amino acids, minerals, essentials, vitamins and contains plenty of iron. Minerals like calcium and magnesium combine with protein become more accessible to your body due to sprouting. Sunflowers during sprouting season have a heighten quality of protein which helps with cleansing your blood and liver.
  • Sunbathe: everything is better in moderation, so make sure to have the appropriate measure for protecting your skin. Vitamin D is the key to optimal health. Your body has over 30,000 genes and vitamin D influences 2,000 of them. It has been proven to influences genes such as cancer, depression, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • H2O: water is an obvious essential when it comes optimal health. Having a good filtration in your house is necessary so it will rid the water of toxic, the way water cleanse your blood, your kidneys, and your liver of toxins that you come in contact will daily. You are what you consume, clean water equals a clean bill of health.
  • Occasional Fasting:  can stabilize your insulin and leptin sensitivity which reduces inflammation and lessens the affects of disease. It also triggers your body to burn fat as the main source of fuel instead of carbs and sugar. Fasting can also improve the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormones).
  • More Shut-Eye:  sleep deprivation causes weight gain, memory loss, diabetes, behavioral issues, premature aging and an increase risk for cancer and heart disease. You should feel well-rested in the mornings, and if you don’t, you may not being getting adequate sleep.
  • Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Natural Alternative: though some pharmaceutical are needed in some instance, there are plenty of natural alternative that work more effectively. Most over the counter pills are replicating the health components that are in the natural alternatives. Stomach ache? Ginger tea will soothe your upset tummy because ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and promotes a healthy digestive tract. Headache? Try a glass of water, most headaches stem from dehydration. Say no to habit forming pills and yes to the natural.

Applying these tips to your health regimen will guarantee you the optimization of your health while you lose weight that you are seeking. Setup your consultation today with Austin’s finest Texas weight loss clinic, Unique Weight Loss and Family Practice and get started on the path to a happier, healthier you.

Texas’ Zero-Calorie Diet

Texas’ Zero-Calorie Diet

zero cal

They say everything is bigger in Texas, and apparently they meant waistline as well. Why wouldn’t it be, between the BBQ, brew, and the bake goods its hard to resist, that’s probably why you bought into the the zero-calorie diet. You know that diet where the foods consume has less calories than the calories it takes to digest it.

It would be quite an unique weight loss solution if you could snack on calorie-free food all day long, but this is a myth. Even in a dreamland like Texas the only zero-calorie or negative-calorie food is water or diet soda. You can’t net a negative calorie balance by zero-calorie diet, but don’t rule them out. Here’s how:


The notion that foods like celery and cucumber require more energy to digest that they have is true, but this doesn’t put you in a negative calorie balance.

Apart from foods that have been engineered to be calorie-free, like sugar substitutes, virtually all foods contain calories. Some foods contain very few calories, and we do burn a few calories when we chew and digest the foods we eat. But the notion that eating certain foods can put us into a negative calorie balance just isn’t true.

“Some foods do require more energy to digest, but digesting foods that are so-called ‘zero-calorie’ such as celery or cucumbers is not going to have much impact” on your total calorie expenditure or weight-loss efforts, notes Lummus. “It wouldn’t be smart nutritionally to think that you are somehow tricking your body and subtracting calories.”
Foods that are seen as  zero-calorie or negative-calorie:


“You would have to eat such large amounts of these foods to make your body work hard enough to cancel out the calories that it wouldn’t be worth it,” according to Kimberly Lummus, MS, RD, Texas Dietetic Association media representative and public relations coordinator for the Austin Dietetic Association in Austin, Texas.

Zero to Hero

These supposed “zero-calorie” may not put you into a negative calorie balance, but there are other great benefits to eating them. These foods are also high in fiber and full of nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are “nutrient-dense,” meaning that they have fewer calories in comparison to their high level of nutrients. They can be just as filling as higher-calorie foods, but with far fewer calories and often a lot more bulk.

If you are trying to lose weight, start by adding vegetables to your BBQ foodlist, snacking on fruit, piling your sandwiches with fresh vegetables, and having fruit instead of that pie à la mode. This doesn’t deceive your body into a calorie deficit, but it can help you feel full and satisfied while still eating fewer calories and getting lots of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

The only true “zero-calorie” beverage to make sure you are getting enough of, is water. Not only is it healthy to drink enough water, but substituting water for sugar-sweetened beverages can save you hundreds of calories – six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day.

The next time you get invited to an old-fashion Texan BBQ, don’t get caught in the corner nibbling on a celery – that’s not the Texas way. Instead, set up an appointment at Masoud S. Isat, MSN, MSHS, FNP-C clinic for your unique weight loss solution.


Myth buster: Stretching

Myth buster: Stretching


If you have been adamant about your fitness routine, one thing you must not forget is stretching. People often neglect stretching routines because they don’t see the immediate payoff; and since most people are limited with time when it comes to their unique weight loss journey they focus more on cardio or strength. But, stretching, when done correctly, can actually improve your performance and reduce injury while you exercise.

There are a lot of stretching myths that circulate, so let’s dispel the top three myths so they don’t catch you in their trap.

Myth #1: No Pain, No Gain

This first myth will have you believing that you aren’t stretching correctly unless their is pain. Please, know the  difference between discomfort and pain. When stretching you may feel the slightest discomfort due to your muscle lengthening, but the minute you feel pain, stop.

Stretching should never flat out hurt. If it does, you are stretching too far or doing the stretch incorrectly.

Myth #2: Anytime, Anyplace

Myth number two says that you can bust a stretch anytime. Stretching before work, while watching TV, or pre-workout seems ideal, but couldn’t be further from the truth. Actually, stretching before you do a proper warm-up is asking for an injury. Your body must be warmed up in order to benefit from stretching. Save that stretch for after your workout or warm-up.

NEVER stretch a cold muscle; if you do, you will feel the pain mentioned in Myth #1

Myth #3: Loosen Tight Muscles

The last myth is that you should stretch to relieves tight and sore muscles. People naturally stretch when the wake up or right after a rigorous workout because they feel the tightness of their muscle and that prompts them to stretch. The truth is you should be stretching your muscles all the time. This is how you get the optimal results you are looking for. If your stretching isn’t habitual, the range of motion that your muscles can perform becomes limited.

Flexibility is a unique weight loss solution. You are allowing all aspect of your muscle to do its job with ease. It is easier to maintain flexibility than to get it back. Start stretching regularly, regardless of the state of your muscle and you’ll maintain that much needed flexibility which will help you stay active for many years to come.

Raw Food is Clean Eating

Raw Food is Clean Eating



You may heard of the new raw food diet trend that celebrities like Katy Perry and Gwyneth Paltrow are on and are curious on what it means or how it is good for the body. The raw food diet, or clean eating is a fairly simple concept; instead of obsessing over ingesting less or more of particular things (like fewer calories or more protein) you are more aware of the origin of the food that goes on your plate. Cleaning eating is about consuming whole foods, or “real” foods which are “un” or minimally processed, refined, and handled making them as close to natural as you possible. The production of modern food has become so complicated that simply eating whole foods can be a challenge.

Let’s start by defining processed foods:

> Additives of any kind – like salt, sugar, fat to aid flavor and mouthfeel, preservatives that keep food from spoiling too quickly, and vitamins enriching everything from beverages to breakfast cereal.
> Changing the form of the natural food – removing the bran and germ from whole grains to create refined bread, mashing apples into applesauce, or stir-frying veggies.
> Foods with parts manufactured in a lab.

You probably just realized that processed foods are everywhere from the oatmeal you consume in the morning to the hotdog you grab on your lunch break from that food vendor. And yes, changing the form of natural food includes cooking as well, so even your steamed broccoli is technically processed.

That being the case, why is processing food bad?

It’s not. Or rather, not categorically. Most time processing removes toxins or bacteria; allowing off-season foods to be consume due to freezing or canning. It also includes altering the consistency or taste of food. Yes, that post-workout spiced banana-almond smoothie is processed, even when you add kale and spinach to it. Though pasteurized milk, kale smoothies, and instant oatmeal are process they are not on the same level as honey buns and soda.

Process food is apart of modern diet, but the key is to stay away ‘ultra-processed’; anything food-like product or ready-to-heat.

The problem with ultra-processed foods are they are typical genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

GMOs are linked to cancer and infertility because ultra-processed foods are stripped of nutrients needed for overall health. Heavily modified foods are linked to a list of health problems because they tend to have additive that overstimulate the dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitter) produced in your brain causing a vicious cycle of craving junk food. The danger is that ultra-processed foods are marketed in a way that makes it seem good for you  (less sodium! no trans fats! vitamin-enriched!) but are more damaging to your health.

Eat Clean

> Unprocessed foods:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Dried legumes
  • Nuts
  • Farm-fresh eggs

> Minimally processed foods:

  • Unrefined grains: whole wheat bread, pasta, popcorn, steel-cut oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables
  • Unprocessed meat; wild over pastured, pastured over grain-fed
  • Hormone-free dairy
  • Oils

Why Eat Clean

Plant-based diets are healthy and can curb or prevent certain life-threatening conditions and diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. Diets high in fruits and vegetables are linked to healthy weight management and glowing skin and hair.

Shop Clean

Stick to the perimeter of your grocery store, processed food lurks in the aisles in between. When you are approaching those aisle ask yourself critical questions like: Where did this food or its ingredients come from? How much has it been processed or handled?

The ingredient label should be short, and all ingredients should be recognizable. Scan for easy-to-avoid additives like artificial coloring and flavors. Eating clean (raw) doesn’t mean you need to eat everything straight from the ground; just choose minimally processed foods.


Thai Shrimp and Eggplant Stir-Fry

Thai Shrimp and Eggplant Stir-Fry



2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 1/2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon plus 5 tsp. peanut oil
1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 slender Japanese eggplants, halved lengthwise and cut crosswise into 1/2-inch pieces
5 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 Fresno chilies, seeded and slivered
1 scallion, thinly sliced (about 1/4 cup)
1 cup loosely torn basil leaves
Lime wedges, for serving
Cooked rice noodles, optional