Sports Physical in Cedar Park, TX

Prepare to Play

A Sports Physical is a medical examination designed to ensure that individuals are physically prepared to participate in sports activities. The process involves a detailed review of the athlete’s medical history and a comprehensive physical exam. This exam typically includes checking vital signs, assessing joint flexibility and muscle strength, evaluating cardiovascular health, and reviewing previous injuries. By identifying any potential health issues or risk factors, a Sports Physical helps to prevent injuries and ensure safe participation in sports.

Sports Physicals are essential for athletes of all ages planning to engage in organized sports, from school teams to recreational leagues. Results from a Sports Physical are usually available immediately after the exam, providing a clear assessment of the individual’s fitness to participate in sports activities. These evaluations are typically valid for one year, so scheduling them annually is essential. Book your appointment today at Unique Weight Loss and Family Practice in Cedar Park, TX, to ensure you or your child is ready for the upcoming sports season with a thorough Sports Physical.

$75.00 per student

Self-Pay: We do not accept insurance.

Benefits of Sports Physical


Good candidates are individuals of all ages who plan to participate in organized sports or physical activities. This includes school athletes, recreational league players, and anyone starting a new exercise regimen.

Results are typically available immediately after the examination, providing a comprehensive assessment of your readiness to participate in sports.

Sports Physical results are generally valid for one year. It is recommended that an annual sports physical be scheduled to ensure continued fitness and safety in sports activities.

There is no downtime associated with a Sports Physical. It is a non-invasive exam; any minor discomfort during specific tests is temporary.

Before the Sports Physical, bring any necessary medical history documents and wear comfortable clothing. After the exam, follow specific recommendations provided by your healthcare provider.

A Sports Physical includes a review of your medical history, a physical examination including vital signs, joint and muscle assessments, cardiovascular evaluation, and a discussion of any health concerns or past injuries. The process is straightforward and typically takes 30 minutes.



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