We call it the holy grail of cellulite reduction! Our Cellulite Buster Roller Ball Therapy is a cutting-edge, globally recognized body-shaping instrument. It uses compression micro-vibration + infrared technology (RF) by rolling 50 silicone balls along the 360° rotation of the roller on the face and body. As the balls rotate and exert pressure on the skin, it creates a “pulsation compression effect” mimicking the reciprocating motion of continuous pushing, pulling, and kneading, and the tissue will experience pressure and lifting. Infrared rays, along with the pulsation compression, stretch the cells to naturally and deeply promote cell activity, blood flow, and oxygenation, and the fat deposits are pressurized and thus loosened, which increases blood circulation and improves lymphatic drainage. The simultaneous action of compressed microvibration and infrared rays promote each other so that the physiotherapy effect is more significant. The most popular areas for treatment are the thighs, buttocks, lower and sides of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, upper arms, and under the chin. Book an appointment with Unique Weight Loss and Family Practice in Cedar Park, TX, to learn more about how our Cellulite Buster Roller Ball Therapy can help you achieve your body sculpting goals.
Treatments are 30 minutes for larger body areas and 20 minutes for smaller areas such as calves, triceps, biceps, neck, and face. No more than two treatment areas or 60 minutes of treatments can be done in one day.
Many of our clients compare it to a massage. Some areas are a little more tender, but overall, it is a pleasant experience.
Usually, you can see the initial results after the first visit, with the area being smoother. Each session will bring improvement in dimpling. Lymphatic draining of the body takes time; it is a slow process for the body to absorb all the fat cell contents. Thus, final results are best after 30 to 90 days.
We consider the Cellulite Buster Roller Ball Therapy to be the best solution for cellulite reduction and tightening the face and body. Cellulite Buster Roller Ball Therapy is a whole-body therapy that includes the face and neck.
As with any body contouring treatment, age, skin condition, and life factors determine the success and longevity of the treatments. After the final series of recommended treatments, optimal results last up to 12 months with continued exercise, weight control, healthy life choices, and monthly maintenance.
At Unique Weight Loss and Family Practice, we are dedicated and passionate about building relationships with each one of our clients.
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